I spent at least 10 years in the mountains just west of Denver, Colorado. I spent most of my time wandering around wilderness areas outside of Idaho Springs, Evergreen, Aspen Park / Conifer and Dillon, Colorado. I've always enjoyed seeing new places so I constantly try to find new lakes and particularly, new stretches of rivers to go with my canoe or a kayak. Most, if not all of the lakes I have posted pictures and information about below are well known spots. There are a few "river runs" that I have posted details about that are not well known at all. There is not much flat water river paddling to be done in the Rocky Mountains. Plenty of whitewater for kayaks, but not much flat water for canoes. Usually the rivers are moving at a good speed and most have plenty of whitewater. However, there are a few spots where the water slows down and the slow moving river crawls its way through some beautiful Rocky Mountain scenery. Those are usually my favorite places to take a canoe.
Colorado Wildlife Pics
Barr Lake
Bear Creek Reservoir
Blue Mesa Reservoir
Boyd Lake
Chatfield Reservoir
Clear Lake
Eleven Mile Reservoir
Evergreen Lake
Georgetown Lake
Grand Lake
Green Mountain Reservoir
Gross Reservoir
Lake Dillon
Lake Granby
Pueblo Lake
Shadow Mountain Lake
Tarryall Reservoir
Combination Trips (Lake & River Paddling)
Platte River Into Chatfield Reservoir
Colorado River
Creek leading into Grand Lake - Adams Falls
above Dotsero
Colorado River between Dotsero and Bair Ranch
Bair Ranch to Hanging Lake rest area
Platte River
between Chatfield Reservoir and Union Avenue
Brighton to Fort Lupton
Fort Lupton to Platteville
Platteville to Dent